María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 130

—This castle is so ugly. You can’t even see the princess or the knights.
—It’s not a castle. It’s a village…
—…a Palestinian village, with its white houses, happy people, and kids in the streets.
—Do you want me to help you build it?
—There is hope.

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 129

— Oh, sweetie. I’m in the hospital, but they treat me so well… The doctor is a gem, the nurses are wonderful, and the aides too… But the woman in the next bed…
— Hey, son, keep an eye on the house, it might get taken over by Moroccans. Or Blacks, the place is full of them.
— But Mom, you can’t just come to El Portús like that. They’ll be looking for you at the hospital.
— Mom, are you okay? For a moment it seemed like you were gone.
— I had gone to paradise.
— Heaven?
— No. El Portús.

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 128

— I love May. The sun’s starting to warm up, makes you wanna hit the beach.
— I can’t go, I’ve gained weight and got stretch marks, even.
— What you need is some nature therapy, feeling like you’re part of it all. Your fix is El Portús.
— El Portús?
— They seem happy. And you say it’s open all year round?
— Yep.

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 127

— Wow, the sandcastle is looking really nice!
— We can charge 10 cents for people to look at everyone in El Portús.
— What a go-getter!
— Today happens to be Entrepreneur Day. Come on, go get more buckets of water!
— Okay.
— But remember, today is also the Day against Child Exploitation!!

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 126

— March is awesome. We celebrate International Women’s Day…
— It’s Springtime
— And… It’s the month for the welcome offer at Camping El Portús.
— I’m off there!

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 125

···· And, finally, did you meet that handsome boy?
— Oh, yes, I invited him to the campsite, but I don’t think he understood me
— Wait, I have to repeat it again
— Naturist! Not naturalist!

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 124

— And El Portús, little niece, has its own weather station.
— How cool!
— It predicts the temperature, measures wind speed, humidity… And if it’s going to rain. Today, for instance, it won’t rain.
— Well, it got that wrong.
— It doesn’t predict what a seagull is going to do.

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 123

— And now, at Christmas, all that waste of lights and consumption. And meanwhile, the planet, with its global warming…
— …more droughts, fewer resources, and the North Pole melting.
— But Santa Claus lives there.
— Ahem. He used to live there!

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 122

— Yes, I’m taking advantage of the campsite’s winter offer. I’m with my little niece for a few days.
— The Portús campsite is commited to sustainability.
— Ah!
— Hey, what are you doing?
— I’m holding you! Mmpf…
— Tita, I want to divorce Michael. He doesn’t know what sustainability is.
— Would you rather spend a fortune on lawyers or explain him what it is?
— Okay, I’ll explain it to him.

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María Jesús, naturista del Portús. Viñeta 121

— Mariano, shall we go to El Portús naturist campsite this weekend?
— Sure!
—They’ve got some fantastic winter deals.
— Winter? What winter?

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